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After the first film scenarios, Surly and her friends should leave the Oakton City Mayor to destroy their home to make an amusement park path impossible. Surly and her friends, friends, Andy and Precious discover that the Oakton City mayor strives to build a huge shabbyamusement garden, which, on the other hand, is a gunshot of her home, which is on the shore of the city, and they have Other gardens, leaving the Mayor, along with his daughter and the instigator of the insaneZhyvolAfterer escape with his plan, and return to the garden.

Surir Squirrel (Will Arnett) and gangreturned. We once again was in Oakton, where the bad mayor decided to have the Liberal Conservation Park and the risk of building an amusement park in his place. Surly and his ragtag group of animal friends join to save their home, win the mayor and return to the garden.

The Nut Job 2:

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