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Assassin’s Creed is one of the most successful franchises of action and adventure in recent years. The first installment offers fully absorb the story to explore a large map.

Assassins Creed comes altar, a member of a secret Templar organization killed in cold blood to prevent the decision of the world. His ability to run and jump and hide and go peep when necessary will be crucial for a variety of missions, you will have faith AssassinsSymvolasignado.

map divided CredoKillerin three major cities: Damascus, Acre and Jerusalem. In each of them will have some quests that follow the main plot, and many other secondary tasks, like finding a collection of flags or increase position.

finally, the main disadvantage of repeating Assassins Creed, mission games are so similar that affect the mechanics of the game, and sometimes even boring. Anyway, Credo Vbyvtsiyak attractive game with excellent graphics and históricofondo, rarely see in other titles.

theDespite vanwat the end of the game is repeated, Assassins Creed is a great adventure with an interesting historical background.

Assassin's Creed

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