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Snake Slither is a free and simple online multiplayer game where you take control of a small snake. The more glowing orbs you eat, the greater the growth. The goal is to increase as much as possible without hitting another snake. Unlike earliershlangovomkletki games, the more it becomes a game, the easier it becomes a game, because it is easier to destroy the other snake.

Collect the glowing orbs and grow into a powerful hose

shvidkoSIGRE the update helps a little getting used to, as it quickly recover from the disappointment die becauseyou’re right in the game.

you pachynaetseyak small snakes, no more than the larva. Around a circular map, you can see the glowing orbs. Your task is to eat them, moving in the direction of the snake. If you hit another person in your hose, then they will be destroyed. ifanother snake destroyed their energiyastanovitstsa more svititsyakulem that you can eat to become a way of destroying the hose większymi.Jedynym another blow hose with a hose. If other people beat you, every part of you, then you will be destroyed.

Many snake Slither spends avoiding other snakewhile food bowl. If you feel like destroying inshyyazmeya to eat their remains and become more tactics you need to bother other players. Or you could just hit pochekativipadkovo other snakes.

You must destroy the other snake and feed jeenergia

There are many tactics that can be used,to kill another snake and it becomes easier if tyvyrastsesh, because you have more body to hit. If you’re more of the hose, you can wrap around the body of another snake and stick it in a circle until they hit your body (because they have nowhere to go) .If will be destroyed, you canback in another game where once again become a little more you zmeykay.Chym aggressive in Snake Slither, wyższySą the likelihood that they will be destroyed, because the best way to stay alive, avoid other snakes.

The graphics are fairly simple, but the game uses a lot ofInternet traffic and capacity of CPU (central processing unit), so you patrebendosyts modern computer play. There is an option that allows you to reduce the graphics in the game, if you have a less powerful computer.

There are two different versions of the game, and drugieWydaje be associated with the type of device / computer.If you have a powerful machine, you probably play a version in which two snakes stanovyatstsadavzhey and thicker. If you have a less powerful machine, you’ll see fewer players in your game, and your snake will be more, but not thicker. Creating snakesów, they become more and more programmingIt is a method of leveling the playing field. Thick snake longer and easier to kill others, but stupid head that makes moving from innychTrochę difficult.


The game is very simple, but very exciting, especially that every game is a little different depending on otherpeople with whom you are playing. Neva can connect and choose their friends in the game, because it occurs in a random game each raz.Gulnya heavily uses the Internet and processing power, which means that many people experience a delay of conversations that can ruingame if it happens too often. The game is colorful, zProsty format, and game mechanics make the game very easy. Fun mainly samoukierowana zavisimostiot in how you play. You can play a game of chance and hunt other players or uniknutiinshi and focus ondevelopment of great opportunity – the choice is yours.

Slither io

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